Monday 21 June 2004

Sky's The Limit...

What a lot of mad pish "Big Brother" is.
After the "brawl" last week, people are finally beginning to ask themselves the right questions about a show that had its day several years ago.
What has become clear is that Channel Four have gone well outwith their remit in broadcasting this crass meritless rubbish. Considering that "contestants" (What do they win? 100 grand for their dignity? What kind of price is that?)are now starting to knock fuck out of one another they might as well chuck in a lion, a big net and a trident and re-name it "Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down".
That Channel Four have risked police prosecution in an ever more increasingly desperate bid for ratings says it all. Next series, someone has to die.
I remember writing a piss take of Big Brother for Cheery B when it all kicked off years ago called "Any Spare Change?" where people give up their normal lives to live on the street. Reminiscing about it at the weekend with Iain Laurie, he advised me to pitch it to Channel 5. And why not? It would probably get made. There would certainly be no shortage of fucking idiots desperate to get their useless mugs on the box whatever the circumstances.

And the funny thing? No-one is watching.
With Channel Four buying it's "great new shows" like "Queer Eye..." from Sky 18 months after they first broadcast it draws the state of network TV in this country into sharp focus. Maybe it's no bad thing, but TV as people of my generation have always known it is in a shitload of trouble.
And the fact that the only cunt there to fill the void is Murdock and Sky can't be a good thing now can it?

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