The show revolves around the break up of his engagement and his quest to get Glastonbury high on legal mushrooms. The funniest bit though was maybe when he described the time he went down on a woman who had a kidney removed. He explains why that makes the situation awkward.
Afterwards I went along to the City Halls where Brendon Burns did a second set as part of Late 'N' Loud. This was a different set, some of which will become his 2006 Edinburgh Festival show.
A lot of this centred on his recent spell in rehab, where he found that in a room full of nutters he was chucked out for being the nutter.
He was probably funnier at the late show. He was a little bit looser and I would say less hostile towards the audience. Though having said that he did hang about and meet folk after the first show as he punted his CDs.
Below are some photos of him in his nun’s outfit at Bluu and then racism’s favourite comedy promoter acting as compere at the City Halls.
The Late 'N' Loud crowd were quite funny once they had a few drinks in them. One guy chatting to Alan about Belle and Sebastian. “I don’t even like them”. And a mad woman dressed as a leprechaun who practically stole the show.
On Saturday I went along to see the final recording of Sabotage, again at the City Halls. They didn’t use any of our sketches for this recording. Of the cast, Grant is easily the stand out. He nicely captures that thing that Kevin McDonald says he does ‘I don’t say funny things, I say things funny’. Of the sketches Bampot High was probably my favourite.
All in all they used 6 of our sketches for recording. Which is about 50% of what we submitted, I guess that’s a high hit rate. The first show will be transmitted at the end of June.

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