Thursday 9 March 2006


Well, it’s our first Comedy Festival show tonight and it promises to be a sparsely attended, ramshackle affair.

We haven’t sold very many tickets, don’t seem to have too many folk coming along and of course, it’s in Blackfriars, where the management have a history of making this as difficult for us as possible.

I’m going to try to just accept it’s not going to be the roaring success it was last year and not go daft about the venue problems we had the last time and see if there is some way we can just enjoy it.

We plan to sit down and re-think our approach to the whole venture after the Festival shows in any case.

So are we ready? As always, after a fashion. We haven’t had the time to really get into the performance in rehearsal in my view, but I’m sure as always, we’ll deliver a decent quality show.

Just a shame we haven’t managed to generate more interest. It always better playing to a big crowd.

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