The show, much like his blog, was full of the rough and tumble of homosexual activity*. Which one gentleman sitting behind me was having trouble dealing with.
There were plenty of highlights such as the day he came out to his Mum.
“First you tell me you’re gay, now all of a sudden you’ve got a boyfriend!”
Explaining to his granny what a F***Buddy was.
Buying Viagra off an old tramp on her way for a court appearance in London.
His Dad leaving the family by running off with the Undertaker who buried his own Dad. "Aye, it's been a tough time for me. You've got nice tits by the way."
Him being caught by the taxi driving husband of said undertaker by climbing into his cab when the pair of them were on a night out. "What are you doing out with my wife?"
But the best bit especially for Fraser was the bit about the Rangers supporter on Gaydar who advertises for a Celtic supporter for C*** S***

The big man did seem a wee bit disorganised due to the snow potentially putting the kibosh on the gig. However he had plenty of funny stories and anecdotes to go round.
He's an accomplished comic with a good ear and eye for a funny situation and has a perfect grasp of language to put it over.
We both heartily recommend going to see him whenever he’s playing a comedy club near you.
* TED: Not that there's anything with that type of, em, thing.
CHARLES: I thought the Catholic church thought that that type of thing was inherently wrong.
TED: Ah yes, it does. The whole gay thing... I suppose it's a bit of a puzzle to us all. It must be fun though. Um, not the you know, but uh, the nightclubs and uh, the whole rough and tumble of homosexual activity. You know, having boyfriends when you're a man... Anyway, don't mind what the church thinks, it used to think the earth was flat. It's like, you know, sometimes the Pope says things he doesn't really mean, you know? We all get things wrong, even the Pope.
CHARLES: Em, what about papal infallibility.
TED: Yes. Is it for everything, the infallibility, do you know?
1 comment:
Yeah, Scott was very funny last night. A bit more polish and focus and he could be a real top drawer act. His timing is good and his stuff is generally original and very funny.
I though the "Hun seeks Tim for cock suck" bit was just hilarious, especially since he followed that up with his "up to our knees in Fenian cum" off the cuff remark.
A great example of funny stuff no-one else is really doing at the moment.
Still, having read his blog, there are vast amounts of untapped GOLD he needs to work into a slightly more organised act. Then he'll start getting the recogintion he deserves.
Most I've laughed in a while for me anyway.
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