Tuesday 14 March 2006

Weekly One Neck

Talking Pish are nonplussed to present a regular cartoon from the man known as One Neck.

Each week One Neck will appear on these pages with an exclusive cartoon. Why? We don't know? Let us know what you think about the cartoon in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

Well, if you don;t know why its on your blog and your nonplussed to have it up there why bother?

Tom said...

To give One Neck more exposure to enlightened art lovers like yourself ;

Fraser said...

sorry Anonymous, you plainly didn't "get" Tom's jokey, light hearted tone there. We are of course avid fans of the neck, and are delighted he's here. It's so hard to be sarcastic in print.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of this One Neck's drawings, but I always imagined Satan being a half goat guy with horns and a tail not some hot chick. What do you think, 'pish?


Tom said...

Yes nic you have a point there, I too noticed that Satan takes on an unfamiliar appearance in that drawing. Perhaps that is the Neck's point.

Evil may sometimes have long dark hair, a pretty face and tango shoes. ;o)