As for The Stand itself it was all right. I was on second, so I didn’t have long to hang about before going on. I went down all right. The polished stuff that I knew worked went down well, but the crowd didn’t really go with me for the last minute or two where I did stuff that I hadn’t worked out quite so thoroughly But not to worry it scores a comfortable 2-1 victory. (I rate all my gigs in terms of football scores as The Housemartins also used to do. Go have a look at the Where Are They Now page, in particular drummer Hugh Whittaker’s entry.)
As for the other acts. There were f course some stinkers. I think Reg Anderson knows fine well that he tells ancient jokes and that’s what makes the audience really go for him. He did one that my Dad told me when I was six. However Reg did also do a bit of (bad) balloon folding.
There was an act on the bill who seriously told the joke “when I told people I wanted to be a comedian they laughed…they’re not laughing now”.
I left before the headline went on in order to get an earlier bus back. below are a handful of photographs including my set list prompt.

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